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Take back control of your money with The Financielle Playbook

Follow our money guide to remove the overwhelm and help you take back control of your money, one step at a time

Simple digital budget planner

Take your budget with you wherever you go, tracking your progress and seeing the bigger picture when it comes to your money


Join a 200,000 strong community.

Get accountability, motivation and inspiration to take control of your money from like-minded people

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“Financielle helped me get my act together when it came to budgeting and tracking. The Financielle Playbook has been a lifesaver and the app has taken me to the next level.”


“I love being part of the Financielle Community which allows me to surround myself with like-minded women. Financielle is helping to close the gender wealth gap and i’m so proud to be part of that.”


“Sometimes I think where would I be without Financielle? I feel in total control of my money and future for the first time. I wish everybody could feel like this.”

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